The metal capsule makes its return! |
I'll admit that I've been underwhelmed with the Blue Universe Lincoln. He's kind of whiny, a little Olivia obsessed (though who isn't), and just doesn't stack up to Red Universe Lincoln (who's a badass). But the biggest problem I've had with season four has to do with what was revealed by September to Peter in the second to last scene. Took the show fifteen episodes to tell the audience something (something important, I might add) that any of us with a brain knew since "Back to Where You've Never Been". Peter is in his universe. Has been the whole time. Now can we move on to more pressing issues?
Dragging out a story line isn't something new to television. Fringe didn't do anything special here. But that doesn't make it any less annoying. The blame, in my opinion, should be placed on the 22 episode seasons that networks put their shows through. Thirteen episodes always struck me as a better length for Fringe. It suits the serialization that the fans love without taking away the characterization, creating a tighter story that doesn't have to be filled with "Monster/Bad Guy of the Week". But, fifteen episodes into season four is a little late for that. Hindsight is always 20/20.
Anyway, onward to this week's episode.
"'Lovey Bad Guy' hated cleaning that mess" |
"Love" had bountiful scenes of good conversation between the characters. Olivia and Nina had a good scene to start the show in the diner for their weekly breakfast that Olivia can't remember. But their last scene was great. Even though Olivia has decided to allow her original memories to have full control, she isn't willing to give up on her relationship with Nina. I'm hoping they can start rebuilding the relationship before Nina's original memories begin to take over as well. A close relationship for Olivia (especially Mother/Daughter) can only be good for the show and its characters.
The other great scene happened between Peter and Walter when Walter extracted the disk from Peter's eye (creepy). It was rather touching that Walter showed such respect to Peter for what he deemed to be the ethically correct decision. It also gave the show a chance to revisit the Greek phrase (not even going to try the Greek) "Be a better man than your father". I think if Peter is better than Walter is now, he's a pretty damn good man.
And for the shippers, we got one of the most Shippertastic TM endings ever. The looks towards each other at a distance. The walk turning into a run. Peter lifting and spinning Olivia around. The kiss. The only thing it was missing was a sunset and the beach. Even my cold heart melted some.
This week's glyphs spell out: QUILL.
Let me know what you think about tonight's episode and the big reveal!
You can follow me on twitter at: @Jake_Collin
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