Thursday, August 2, 2012

30 Days of Flash Fiction

Since I started doing Madison Woods' Friday Fictioneers a few months ago (not as consistently as I'd like), I've been wanting to do a big flash fiction project to push myself to write more often.

And now I'm finally going to do it.

The initial plan was to do the entire month of August, but I got caught up in other, more pressing matters, and I didn't have to time to get to it. Luckily for me, August has 31 days, thus "30 Days of Flash Fiction."

I'm just going to write whatever comes to mind. If I have a prompt for the piece, I'll be sure to post it.

If anyone wants to join in, feel free to post their links in the comments section. Use whatever you want inspire you. No subjects are off limits, but if it is explicit, a warning would be thoughtful.

Follow Madison Woods on Twitter @Madison_Woods
Madison's Blog:
Like Friday Fictioneers on Facebook: Friday Fictioneers
Follow me on Twitter @Jake_Collin
Like The Rantin' Arkansan on Facebook: The Rantin' Arkansan


  1. Sorry if this posts twice, but my comment disappeared when I hit 'logout' of Google...

    Anyway, what I said was - that this is a great idea! Good luck :) You should post your invite over at the FB page if you haven't already.

    And thanks for the wonderful link/mentions :)

  2. Awesome plan. I do that quite often but never thought to tell anyone before.

    At the end of it you will have a collection you can publish.

    I look forward to reading your work..x
