I had an entire intro written comparing Castle with Fringe and their problems with getting to a satisfying conclusion to a story line in a timely fashion. How they were both having disappointing fourth seasons but if Castle got past the main season long story line they've been ignoring (Caskett) like Fringe finally revealed Peter was already in the correct universe, we could get to the conspiracy arc.
But Andrew Marlowe has decided to say, "Fuck that! Let's drag this shit out ever longer!"
I hate "Will They/Won't They"! I hate it with a passion! You don't need to keep your leads apart to keep viewers interested! That is usually spouted by show runners who CAN'T TELL A FUCKING STORY!
Critics and fans alike have praised Chuck for putting Chuck and Sarah together in Season Three and keeping them there. (We assume, at least. Happy thoughts, Jake. Happy thoughts.) Personally I think they stretched out their WTWT for 13 too many episodes. The "Chuck and Sarah" romance was really over at the end of Season Two. Sarah wanted to be with Chuck. Chuck wanted to be with Sarah. They both told each other that.
I came into Season Three thinking Chuck and Sarah would be together. Casey would still be their partner, and the whole team (w/Beckman) would be dealing with the fallout of Chuck downloading Intersect 2.0 and having to become a spy.
"Let's run away even though you have the government's most advanced intelligence weapon in your head. They won't hunt us down." |
Instead, we got a flashback scene where Sarah says she wants to run away with Chuck and have a "normal" life. It's like Fedak wanted to make Sarah completely forget everything she ever told Chuck (At that final scene on the beach in "the Intersect", she specifically states he can't run from the government. You think they're going to let him go now with the 2.0 in his head?) and also decide to throw out most of her common sense as well. Of course, watch the rest of season three episodes 1-13, and you see that was pretty much the case. (I might still be a little bitter about the purgatory of season three.
The reason I bring this all up is because I'M TIRED OF THE CASTLE/BECKETT "WILL THEY/WON'T THEY!!!" It's been going on for far, far too long. It's stunting not only the growth of the overall story (conspiracy arc!) but it's also stunting the growth of Rick and Kate as characters. They've essentially been stuck in the same place since the end of Season Two/beginning of Season Three. It's bad story telling, Andrew!
They love each other. We know they love each other. The guys know they love each other. Hell, the fucking "Dragon" knows they love each other! (Why do you think he wanted get rid of Rick by getting rid of the Mayor who was controlled by Bob in 3B's chihuahua through alien mind control?) Kate knows Rick loves her. If Rick is actually as smart as they want us to believe he is, he would recognize that everything Kate said to him at the swing set in "Rise" could be paraphrased down to "I love you too Rick, but I've got to deal with this shit about my mom first." (Which in itself is stupid. Kate's problem isn't needing closure for Johanna's murder. She needs closure for her mother's death.)
I'm not bringing this up because I'm a crazed "Caskett" shipper. I wasn't a crazed "Charah" shipper either. That's not my problem. My problem is by continuing to keep the two apart, the writers are revealing that they aren't really that great of writers. With the lack of the conspiracy and poor CotW, I think Season Four is proving that point. And luckily for us (sarcasm dripping), we get more Caskett angst next week.
Marlowe needs to get his head out of his ass and put these two together so 1) they can grow as characters, and 2) the story can move on to more important things, like solving the fucking conspiracy!
Otherwise, Marlowe is just another average showrunner who depends upon crutches like relationship angst instead of writing real character and story growth.
And that's a fucking shame.
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