Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Fictioneers: Down By The Beach

By Susan Wenzel

Down By The Beach

"You're right," Charlotte said. "I am bored. I think I'll go for a swim."

"But none of us brought our suits," Rose stated.

"I've got knickers and a camisole on. It's not like I'm naked," Charlotte said, eyes rolling.

Rose stood, arms crossed, as her sister, sans the dress she had been wearing, bolted towards the warm water. Patrick wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his chin on her shoulder.

"What?" Rose asked testily.

"I'll give it thirty seconds before you're in that water, too," he replied smiling. Rose glared from the corner of her eye, but her attention was quickly diverted to Charlotte's laughs.

Rose huffed and started taking off her dress. Patrick could only laugh.

"Oh, shut up, will you?" Rose said annoyed. She looked him up and down, eyebrow quirked, before taking off toward the water.

Patrick rolled his eyes and began shedding his shirt. "There is no such thing a quiet day at the beach when the Landy sisters are involved," he said to himself.


  1. This felt like a flash of turn-of-the-century England. I can imagine many more adventures for the Landy sisters!

  2. Sound like an interesting pair of sisters. Nicely done.

  3. good one...

    skinny dipping, a true pleasure of youth...

  4. This must be during the turn of the century when women wore knickers. lol. How brave and naughty of these sisters. Love it.

  5. Charlotte and Rose--great names to create an atmosphere right away! I'm thinking that the final comment in Patrick's mind is almost too obvious a setup for whatever might come next, but it's definitely familiar and thus a comfortable read. Fun!

  6. I bet these two get into all sorts of trouble.

  7. Definitely turn of the century. Love these sisters. Good job.

  8. I'd like to know more about the Landy sisters. Nice work.

  9. Oh my, I wish to learn more about this wicked sisters. :-) Sounds like more adventures ahead for them.

  10. I'm loving the Landy sisters. Still smiling at the images your piece has placed perfectly in my imagination. Thanks.



  11. This was a fun one, with very good description and conversation. (I think that you've forgotten "as" in the last paragraph.)
