Since April, my ever so lovely wife, decided to make the announcement on Facebook (without telling me), I figured I'd make the announcement here.
Whew! I've been holding that news in for a while. And before anyone starts asking about paternity, let me cut you off there. According to April, only my grape-sized (at the moment) guy(s) and/or gal(s) could cause her this much misery. She does say the sweetest things.
I am extremely excited. Extremely nervous, but also extremely excited. The time of Noah's pregnancy was far from spectacular for us (I was young, stupid, and a complete asshole), so I'm really happy that I get to go through all the pregnancy stuff this time.
The best thing so far, though (in my opinion at least), is how Noah has taken to his prospective role of Big Brother with gusto. Everything he does that is him "growing up," he attributes to "being a brother." He's even getting a little bit of practice with his new cousin Brinley. He's excited.
"I'm gonna be a brother. Can someone say 'scapegoat?'" |
On a somewhat sad side note (say that fast), my office will be transformed into a nursery. I will miss it when it is gone. We had some good times.
And for those who may have noticed my "guy(s) and/or gal(s)" distinction, well, there was a reason. You see, April is a fraternal twin. We all know that this isn't completely uncommon. As of 2009 there were 33.3 twin births for every 1000 births. What makes this fun for us is that April's mother, Merri, is also a fraternal twin. And the cherry on top of the twin cake is that both April and her mother were the second twin. Since it's been scientifically proven that women with family history of fraternal twins have higher chances of producing more fraternal twins, we are preparing for this. Well, we're trying to. The thought of two babies kind of scares me right now.
So that's my big news. April is pregnant, and I can't wait.