Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Fictioneers: The Blight Cometh: Part Two

© Lura Helms 2012

The Blight Cometh: Part Two

Two weeks passed. Two horrifying weeks as the blight began to spread across the area. Bill and Steve began hearing reports from other parts of the state being overrun. It was relentless.

Ever changing. Ever growing. Ever destroying.

When they met the biologist, Rebekah, in the capital, she insisted on coming with them. That's when they made the harrowing discovery.

"It's just destroying everything in its path," Rebekah said, dazed by the dying landscape.

Steve sighed heavily. "Yeah. This used to be nothing but trees. Now all that's left is the one in the middle."

"Which is peculiar, don't you think?" asked Rebekah.

A loud snort came from behind them. The duo turned to look at an eye-rolling Bill. "This whole thing is peculiar."

Rebekah regarded for a moment, and then turned back to Steve. "Can I borrow your binoculars?" she asked. Steve handed them to her and lit a cigarette. She zoomed in on the solitary tree. "There seems to be an odd growth on it."

"Not surprising," Bill replied. "Oaks like that sometimes have weird branches growing out from crooks."

The binoculars fell from her face, her eyes like saucers. She turned slowly to Bill. "Do they usually move?"

Steve's cigarette hit the ground unnoticed.

Follow me on Twitter @Jake_Collin


  1. It was quite a scary photo, wasn't it! Great story. Mine is at

  2. Love it. One tree left and something on it moves. Creepy story inspired by a creepy photo. Nice work. I'm #30.

  3. Dear Jake,

    Last line was excellent. In contrast, "An eye rolling Bill" was less than ideal. Overall very compelling. The blight has sunk its roots deep in my imagination.



  4. Deliciously desolate picture you've painted, Jake. I think I'd be running when the thing in the tree started moving.

  5. Echoing the "good job". The moving tree would be a bit of a problem for me, too!!

  6. This is just great, and full of suspense. Well done. Mine is here:

  7. Have to ask: Is "Steve's cigarette hit the ground unnoticed" a lead-in for the action in Part III?

  8. I'd love to see where this leads. Excellent little tale.
